- Unmotivated and bored at work?
- Passed over for promotion again?
- Want a different career?
- Want to Discover Your Passion?
- Not landing the interview/job you desire?
- Thinking about retiring and starting a second career?

High School/College Students/Graduates
- Trying to Decide on a College Major?
- Not sure What College to attend because you’re not sure about what you want to study?
- Unsure about what Careers are best suited for you?

Here at LEAP we will help you find the ANSWERS!!!
- We will help you discover the type of work you are most likely to enjoy.
- We will work with you to create a customized “Blueprint For Success” Action Plan.
- We will work with you to plan for your next promotion.
- We will help you Prepare for your interview(s).
- Challenge mental blocks that prevent you from advancing.